26-11-81 Om Shanti Avyakt Bapdada Madhuban
To be a cooperative soul means to be an easy yogi.
Today, BapDada is seeing His selfsovereign Raj Rishi children who are to become part of the future royal family. All of you are easy yogis, you are Raj Rishis. What special blessing does BapDada give all you children at this blessed time? May you be an easy yogi! Do you experience this blessing? Many people become yogis, but only you elevated souls of the confluence age become easy yogis. This is because you are blessed with this blessing by Baba, the Bestower of Blessings. To become a Brahmin means to be blessed with this blessing. The first blessing you receive at your birth is the blessing of being an easy yogi. Therefore, ask yourself: Am I an elevated soul who has received this blessing from the Father, the Bestower of Blessings, and at this blessed time? Constantly retain this blessing in your intellect. This is what it means to put this blessing into practice. So, do you constantly consider yourself to be a soul who has attained this blessing and become an embodiment of all attainments? What is the easiest way of all to do this? Do you know ? To cooperate with everyone and serve. Only a co operative soul can be an easy yogi. Many Brahmin souls are unable to experience easy yoga constantly. They are still caught up with the questions: How can I have yoga? Where should I focus my yoga? There are no questions in easy yoga. Together with that, you also have this blessing. Therefore, when you have a blessing, you shouldn’t have to labour. You should constantly be able to do anything easily and automatically. It means, you are the souls who have received the blessing of being easy yogis and will therefore automatically be constant yogis. What is the reason for not being able to be this? It means you don’t know how to take care of the blessing and spiritual gift you were blessed with at your Brahmin birth. You become careless about maintaining this awareness and don’t remain powerful. If you are a Brahmin but not an easy yogi, then what is your speciality of Brahmin life? Even though you have received this blessing and yet are not an easy yogi, at what other time would you become this? Constantly maintain the faith with the intoxication of this as your blessing from birth. Use this blessing to serve all souls. To cooperate and serve is the way to remain an easy yogi.
Each day, from amrit vela become cooperative . Keep your main aim in just one word during your timetable of the whole day: Cooperation! I have to give cooperation. I have to remain cooperative. Celebrate a meeting with the Father at amrit vela, become a master seed and world benefactor and use the powers you have attained to become cooperative in transforming the attitude of souls and the atmosphere. Be cooperative in giving spiritual water to the whole tree through the Seed. By your doing this, all souls, who are all leaves, will experience receiving the water of attainment. Similarly, keep the aim of simply remaining cooperative for every task you carry out from amrit vela onwards. Whether it is in your interaction with others or in looking after your household, always check: Did I constantly cooperate in creating a spiritual atmosphere by having good wishes and pure feelings for myself and my companions in my worldly interactions? Or, did I only fulfil my duty just like an ordinary soul and come home? Whatever someone’s occupation is, he will do everything according to his occupation wherever he goes. The special occupation of all of you is to cooperate. How is it that you can forget this? When you cooperate in every task, you will automatically become an easy yogi. Not a single second should pass without giving your cooperation, whether in your thoughts, words, connections and relationships or in your worldly activity. You must definitely remain cooperative because all of you are the children of the Bestower. The children of the Bestower constantly continue to donate. What do you have to give? Cooperation!
Cooperate with yourself for your selftransformation. How? Become a detached observer and constantly maintain an attitude of having positive thoughts for yourself. Cooperate with yourself in creating a spiritual atmosphere. Since nature is able to make everyone experience her influence through an impact on the climate, for example, through the impact of a cold or hot temperature, then, can the souls who are the conquerors of nature, those who are constantly cooperative and easy yogis, not influence and make an impact on their spiritual climate and give that experience to others? Become a cooperative soul who constantly has good wishes, and cooperate with the self and others. Do not think that someone is like this or that he does this. No matter what the atmosphere or the person is like, always remember, “I have to co operate.”
What will happen when you Brahmin souls cooperate in this way? All of you will automatically become easy yogis, because when all souls receive cooperation, even weak souls become powerful. Because their weaknesses finish, they become cooperative. Any type of weakness definitely makes you feel everything to be difficult or laborious. When you are powerful, everything is easy. So, what do you have to do? Whether it is through your body, mind, wealth, thoughts, words or deeds, you must constantly cooperate. If someone is unable to cooperate with his mind, he can still be cooperative with his body or wealth. If not with thoughts and words, then cooperate with your deeds. Cooperate in forging a relationship and maintaining contact. Do not just cooperate in giving the message. Cooperate by your own transformation. Cooperate by relating your experience of all your attainments. Cooperate with your constantly cheerful face. Cooperate by donating virtues. Cooperate by increasing someone’s zeal and enthusiasm. Constantly cooperate in whatever way you can. This is easy yoga. Do you understand what you have to do? This is easy, is it not? Give whatever you have! Do whatever you can! If you’re not able to do all of those, you are at least able to do one of them, are you not? Whatever one speciality you have, use it and cooperate. You are able to do this, are you not? You don’t think that you don’t have any speciality or any virtue, do you? This cannot be. To become a Brahmin is itself a great speciality. To know the Father is a great speciality. Therefore, constantly cooperate with your speciality! Achcha.
To those who are constantly easy yogis, those who are cooperative souls; to the souls who co operate in creating a spiritual climate with their elevated attitude; to the souls who cooperate in giving enthusiasm to weak souls; to the souls who cooperate in every task from amrit vela throughout the day, BapDada’s love, remembrance and namaste.
BapDada meeting groups:
Are you laying the foundation for the divine land of kings (Rajasthan) over the whole world with the power of silence? Those people are fighting amongst themselves and you are creating the divine land of kings (Rajasthan). They don’t know what you are to become. They continue to make their own effort, but you know destiny. Therefore, all of you children are creating your divine land of kings with the power of silence, are you not? Their power is of words, muscle power, and the power of scriptures, whereas your power is the power of silence. You have the unshakeable faith that the divine royal kingdom will be established with this power. They also understand that, at present, some Godly power is needed to carry out that task. However, because it is incognito, they are unable to recognise it. You not only recognise it, you are also practically doing it. Expansion is taking place in Punjab, is it not? Punjab is the original place of service. So, a special task should take place in the original place. Because you are the children of the spiritual Father, it is the duty of all of you to do spiritual service. The Father’s task is also the children’s task. The duty of the spiritual Father is to do spiritual service. Therefore, you children too have to remain engaged in this task. This spiritual service enables you to experience instant visible fruit at every step. The instant visible fruit is your happiness. The more service you do, the more your treasure of happiness increases. You receive multimillionfold return of one. Do you believe this? Your occupation is that of a spiritual server. No matter what position you have in the physical world, in the spiritual world, you are spiritual servers. If you are a doctor, then become a spiritual doctor as well as a physical doctor, a double doctor. Whilst doing that service, your main duty is to be a spiritual doctor. Instead of a patient having to come to you repeatedly, it would be better if that illness is cured for all time. Therefore, give him such medicine. A patient comes to you to obtain a permanent cure. This can only be given through spiritual service. Achcha.
BapDada meeting Sevadharis (servers):
Of which place are you servers? You know very well that you are servers of the great sacrificial fire, do you not? Those who are servers of the great sacrificial fire receive prasad (holy offering) from the yagya. Great importance is given to prasad of the yagya. Generally, in the world, a soul who receives prasad is considered to be a great and fortunate soul. Not everyone can receive prasad; only fortunate souls receive it. So, this is the great prasad from the great yagya. What is great prasad? Constantly to accumulate an income and attain all treasures is the great prasad, because it is by serving this great yagya that you experience the greatest treasures of all powers, of happiness and peace etc. Therefore, this is the yagya’s prasad. With this prasad, you constantly remain content and will continue to do so in the future. Therefore, the greatest treasure and prasad is the attainment of contentment. Whilst you have been staying here, you have remained constantly content, have you not? You have now developed the practice of remaining content in any type of atmosphere. You should not be pulled by the atmosphere. Instead, you must transform the atmosphere. This is the sign of a great warrior. So, do you think you have receive the great prasad? You are the greatly fortunate souls who have received the great prasad.
However many souls you have served, the good wishes of all those souls have become blessings for you. So, from how many souls have you received blessings? Blessings from the most elevated souls make you full and complete for many births. Have you taken blessings from everyone? Did you constantly understand all secrets? Did you remain happy? You weren’t upset in service, were you? Always happy! Even if someone tries to make you unhappy, you won’t be unhappy, because those who know the secret of this being a varietytree never become unhappy. To become unhappy means not to understand this secret. Therefore, do all of you understand all secrets? To receive a chance to serve means to win the lottery with a lucky number. A server is one who claims the lucky number. You are those with a lucky number, are you not? Very few receive a lucky number and with a lucky number the attainment you have is the most elevated. To have a lucky number means you yourself have become lucky. Achcha.
Have you mothers accumulated in your account for birth after birth? To create a reward for many births in one birth is a very cheap bargain, is it not? You work hard for a short time and receive the fruit of that for birth after birth. So, have all of you made a cheap bargain and earned your income? Mothers have been constantly cooperative and so congratulations! Just as you created fortune through service here, so too, constantly keep this fortune with you. Pay attention constantly to keep the lamp of your fortune constantly alight. Constantly keep your fortune with you, that is, keep the Bestower of Fortune with you. When others see your star of fortune sparkling, their fortune will also open. Achcha.
What wonders should the kumaris now perform? The biggest wonder of all is that as soon as the Father says something, the children do it practically, just like chatrak birds imbibe (drink) each drop immediately. Therefore, the biggest wonder is that every version spoken by the Father is demonstrated in practice. The words of the Father are revealed through your behaviour. This is the wonder of the kumaris. This is why it has been said in the memorials that the kumaris revealed the Father. They attained victory, did they not? So, which kumaris were they? Each one of you should think it was you. In this, each one of you should put yourself first. “I first!” This is known as the wonder of the kumaris. Each soul should become an instrument soul to reveal the Father and each of you will become an invaluable jewel. Achcha.
Blessing: May you be completely victorious and wear the tilak of the form of triple awareness.
The expansion of all of the knowledge is merged in the awareness of three things: the awareness of the self, the awareness of the Father and the awareness of the knowledge of the drama. The tree of knowledge has the awareness of these three. The tree is first a seed. Then two leaves emerge from that seed and then the tree grows. So too, the main thing is the awareness of the Seed, the Father, and then the two leaves of the entire knowledge of the soul and the drama. Those who imbibe the awareness of these three things receive the blessing of being completely victorious.
Slogan: Constantly remain contented and make others content and you will become worthy of receiving blessings.
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